Thursday, October 11, 2007

what we do ?

This has been striking me for some time now , do we really know what we want of all the activities which we do ?

  • Are we really in the job which we want to ?
  • Are we really having relationships which we want to ?
  • Do we act/behave always in the way which we want to ?
  • No body can lead an ideal life, but how far are we from each of our ideal lives ?
  • Why do we do what we do ?
I think atleast I can't arrive at any answers for these questions so the only thing I can do till I find that is to keep on doing "what we do" !!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

When every thing is for one last time

So probably are another 8 more days before I leave Singapore and when I realize that I have mixed feelings.
And suddenly every activity I do becomes one for the list of nostalgia feelings. I shop in the nearby Super Market and realize that this might be the last time I come here in this life time, I will not be able to see the courteous and well mannered three Chinese ladies in the counter of this Super Market. I may not be standing in a Queue where one could be Chinese, one could be a Malay, one could be a Indonesian, one could be our very own Indian, one could be a Caucasian, one could be from Africa, one could be from Australia... Singapore is truly a cosmopolitan city.
When I realize that this could be the last time I am picking tomatoes, Bananas, Coconut, Grapes, Juices and my favourite "Shop and Save" bread it is really an amazing feeling, where you feel sad and happy. Sad because that these scenes may never come again in this life time and happy because I was given this opportunity to relish such experiences for a short time.
The times I felt bad after pressing the Walk Lights for the Zebra crossing on the road, but not waiting for it to turn Green but cross the road since there were no vehicles around and once I cross the road , I find the green light for Zebra comes up and therefore all the Vehicles stop , but there are none to cross the road, yet no Driver of the stopped Vehicles jumps the Signal. Its so lovely so see such disciplined people.
Coming back to the " last time" .. How do you feel when you know that a thing which your are doing/performing/conducting or any other "" is for the one last time, the situation the environment and the ambiance may never again come in your life, its like a Scene in a Movie which never comes back and you can see it only for the one last time, after that you can only imagine about it and relish under the imagination.
So some of the things which I may doing for the one last time ...
1. Walking to my Tennis court in my condo for the one last time...
2. walking to the pungool park for the one last time ...
3. jogging on the pungool park for the one last time ...
4. walking around my condo for the one last time ....
5. travelling in the MRT for one last time ....
6. seeing a mixture of people an MRT for one last time ...
7. running down the escalator to catch the standing MRT Train for one last time ...
8. seeing my reflection on the Glass walls of the MRT ....
9. walking back from the MRT to home ....
10. Walking into the House where you are staying for the one last time ..
11. Walking into your very own room for the one last time ... ooh I cant see it barren, it will be while I leave ....
12. Watching the two High Definition Channels in my Sony LCD TV for one last time (at least till such a thing comes to India) ....

but the hardest of all is the one which is yet to be mentioned ....
its the changi airport ..whenever I am there I don't feel like I am in an Airport ...its almost like a second Home ... I can sleep , run , eat and do whatever I want there ... but I hope I miss this Airport for only a very short time ..

But once you feel that you are doing a thing for the one last time , the whole experience of doing that thing changes , you feel interested in each and every moment of that action , even moving a finger !!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Where the second serve is faster than the first !!

In Tennis, the usual behaviour of a Player w.r.t to his/her serve is simple ; The first serve is always faster than the second serve; Why is this so ? you take the risk in your first serve and if it fails then you have a second serve and 99 out of 110 times (yes its 110, why to use always 100?, Why is 100 so significant, because its just easy for statistical purposes) you serve it slower than the first serve ! Why so , a slower serve is assumed to be more accurate than the faster one ... But in my case the theory is turned on its head .. My second serve is often as fast as the second one and in some cases even faster than my first serve; Now there are questions which arises

a) Is it really helping my game ?
b) How much has this to do with a persons character, in this case me ?
c) How often do I second serve ? ie like How successful is my first serve and thereby the need for a second serve ?

And many more, but lets restrict to three questions only ....
a) Its helping me at a personal level, but with the Game , I am still losing because of this . So does this mean that I am not worried about losing, but want perfection and substance in whatever I do, which for me would be not to put a slow second serve.. People who would have played this game would understand this more clearly, I have come across so many amateur players(both young and old) having a very slow second serve when compared to their first. The one word answer for this Question is "no" in the short term, but I would like this to be "yes" in the near future onwards.

b) I really don't know, my line of thinking is that when you put your second serve just after the second serve your arm and body is more flexible and knows what to do to better your first serve? But the general thinking is the first time your serve failed, lets make sure that the second serve goes in ; I believe that this general thinking is more of the mind and my thinking is more of the physical aspect of the whole thing...

c) almost all my first serves are on the net ..

The first one and therefore not the best one

This is more of an introduction or getting to learn blogging. I know what a Blog is for quite sometime now, but never had I got the motivation to start one for me. Never knew what it could help me to achieve, yep in most cases I see the objective before starting with it, not sure whether this approach on the whole is a good idea, but actually either I dont have time to think over that or just like most Human beings probably I dont want to. But now I have started a Blog , it doesn't necessarily mean that I knew what this could help me to, so I guess its a good change in pattern for my mind behaviour now !! starting something without knowing its objective .... Will this act as an outlet for me !! or will help me to see myself more clearer on the mirror of life ! Anyway now since I have committed to start one, I will make sure it will be oiled and run properly ..
Lets get started ..........................